Early Records is here to release sprightly and unique pop music from anywhere it can be found in the world. And, tired of hearing songs about powerlessness and emotional addiction, we want to hear songs about our true nature. We are magnificent! So please, can someone talk about this for a change? We don’t mean just happy songs, although we like those too. We just mean truthful songs. We want to offer songs about what is, not about what we have been told. What are we humans? Amazing. No more undermining ourselves. Let’s go!
Another reason Nicolette decided to start Early Records was for original musicians who do not strictly fit the norm, but consider themselves to be people’s musicians. An innovative artist herself, Nicolette knew from experience that the distinction often made between populism and originality was not real. Early Records exists to expose people to populist music that doesn’t necessarily and/or strictly follow the rules. (Who made those rules, anyway? Nobody knows! Or cares!) Early Records likes music that's catchy. That's all. How or why it is, is up to the musician that made it. The old paradigm of diluting music for “the masses” is outdated. We all deserve quality, so let that alone be the new paradigm. Deep? Yes. Truthful? Yes. Enjoyable? Yes. Expressive? Yes. Fun? Yesssss. Musical protein, it’s super nutritious. Don’t forget we told you. The future is now. Now is early.